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Customer Reviews

Eva M.

Ms. Loch accompanied us through our project with professionalism, warmth and structure. Together we tightened the positioning and researched the appropriate marketing strategies. Ms. Loch had a clear plan for each session and brought a lot of structure and order to the "chaos" of our ideas.

Yvonne K.

Ms. Loch took my foundation, especially my digital presence and my content marketing strategy, to a whole new level - through good questions, helpful suggestions and examples as well as constructive feedback. Her friendly nature made the whole thing a lot of fun. Because of their excellent organization, I also have great documentation of the coaching that I can refer to again and again if necessary. Thank you for the great support!

Sandra R.

Absolute added value! From the beginning to the end! Everything always ran smoothly. Every coaching hour was an incredibly helpful, pleasant and informative experience that I wouldn't want to miss! Friendliness, ambition and competence paired with specialist knowledge and humanity - thank you Ms. Loch for making my start-up so much easier and more professional. Any time!

Jennifer J.

During the coaching, Ms. Loch had a very good eye for the construction sites that were still blind spots for me. With her professional and respectful manner, she created a pleasant coaching atmosphere. Ms. Loch's coaching helped me tremendously to bring structure to my project and to think about points that I hadn't even considered before. That's why I can unreservedly recommend her as a coach. Thank you!

Rosa M.

Das Coaching hat mir wertvolle Denkanstöße und zahlreiche praktische Infos gegeben, die für meine Marketingstrategie unverzichtbar waren. Besonders geschätzt habe ich die Flexibilität, auch spontane, nicht geplante Themen einzubringen, sowie die empathische Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe – ich fühlte mich mit meiner Idee wertgeschätzt und optimal vorbereitet.

Carolin S.

Im Rahmen des ZGS Coachings habe ich mit Frau Loch an meinem Marketingkonzept gearbeitet und kann sie für ein dynamisches, zielorientiertes Arbeiten uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. Jede Menge Know-How gepaart mit exzellenter Auffassungsgabe und Pragmatismus erlauben es ihr, sehr schnell auf den Punkt zu kommen und an der individuell relevanten Stelle anzusetzen und von dort aus weiterzuarbeiten. Vielen Dank für den Prozess!

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